Literarnoprevodne izmenjave s kitajščino


Mojca Pretnar
University of Zagreb, Croatia


A walk through the short history of literary translation from Chinese into Slovene and vice versa highlights the mutual interest that began with intercultural exchanges through indirect translations, and with the possibility of learning a distant language two distant cultures are also introduced to each other through direct translation. Both cultures have already exchanged some fundamental classical literary works, and exchanges between contemporary writers are increasingly lively. Lyric poetry, short fiction, and novels dominate the genres. Despite the small number of translations, some works have been translated twice or even more times on both sides. While the indirect translation of Chinese literature into Slovene has already been undertaken by experienced translators, direct translations are mostly undertaken by experts who have spent a longer period inside the foreign culture. While translation has borne some fruit, translation studies are still very limited and are mostly replaced by brief obser­vations in accompanying studies, which translators use to point out the difficulty of translation due to the gaps between the two languages, especially the visual nature of the Chinese language, rhythm, rhyme, tonal components, etc. However, there are signs of further developments in both translation and translation studies in this context.



June 14, 2024



How to Cite

Pretnar, M. (2024). Literarnoprevodne izmenjave s kitajščino. In Zgodovina slovenskega literarnega prevoda II: slovenska literatura v dialogu s tujino (pp. 763-775). University of Ljubljana Press.