Strategija kompenzacije v prevodu literarnih del: Iz prevajalskega opusa Joanne Pomorske


Jasmina Šuler Galos
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; University of Warsaw, Poland


This article draws attention to the creative aspect of the work of a literary translator, which is in part a consequence of the fact that any translation strategy must be rooted in the literary work itself and follow its rules. This article focuses on compensation strategies used by the translator Joanna Pomorska when transla­ting Drago Jančar’s work into Polish. Three types of obstacles are presented: semantic shifts that arise from the very nature of literary work, reconstructing the literary world through translation, and transference of cultural competences related to intertextuality.



July 8, 2024

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How to Cite

Šuler Galos, J. (2024). Strategija kompenzacije v prevodu literarnih del: Iz prevajalskega opusa Joanne Pomorske. In J. Vogel (Ed.), & (Ed.), 60th Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture: Metaphor in Slovene Language, Literature and Culture (pp. 196-204). University of Ljubljana Press.