Boss, Why Don’t You Tell It Like It Is – The Connection Between Transparent Communication and Workplace Well-Being


Lucija Lučka Debelak
Klara Gajšek
Tinkara Strel


In our study, we examined the link between a leader’s transparency of commu­nication and the well-being of employees. 126 participants were included in the study. We used questions from The Workplace PERMA-Profiler questionnaire to measure the well-being of employees in the workplace and part of the Authen­tic Leadership Inventory questionnaire to determine the level of communication transparency of their immediate superior. Correlation analysis showed a positi­ve correlation between transparent communication and workplace well-being. Additionally, transparent communication is positively associated with the level of trust in an organization, while less transparent communication is correla­ted with higher negative stress levels in employees. Our research has shown that transparent workplace communication is also important in the Slovenian con­text. Lastly, we translated these theoretical findings into practice and formed concrete suggestions of measures that would encourage the welfare of employees within Slovenian organizations.



October 8, 2024

How to Cite

Debelak, L. L., Gajšek, K., & Strel, T. (2024). Boss, Why Don’t You Tell It Like It Is – The Connection Between Transparent Communication and Workplace Well-Being. In E. Boštjančič (Ed.), Dobro počutje na delovnem mestu: psihološki pogledi, raziskave in priporočila (pp. 33-45). University of Ljubljana Press.