People and Environmental Change Over Time


Barbara Lampič (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Darko Ogrin (ed)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


environmental change, global change, adaptation, extreme environmental situations, response, agriculture


The present scientific monograph was writ­ten by members of three departments of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana: Department of Geography, Department of History, and Department of Psychology. They address environmental change and the role of people in a changing environ­ment from different perspectives, with a focus on the Slovenian landscape. They have brought their findings together in a single scientific work, with each author remaining methodologically faithful to their primary area of research. The book consists of two parts. The chapters in the first analytical part detail past environmental changes (and responses to them) and, in particular, explain the extent of changes by interpreting a variety of data sources. The second part focuses on humans in terms of how we perceive environmental change and respond to it. In addition to a concise presentation of the theoretical background for understanding human reactions and responses, this part focuses on the results of surveys of Slove­nian residents and farmers.


  • Predgovor
    Barbara Lampič, Darko Ogrin
  • Globalne spremembe v okolju
    Darko Ogrin, Dušan Plut
  • Historično prilagajanje ekstremnim okoljskim situacijam na Slovenskem s poudarkom na 16. in 17. stoletju
    Z nauki za prihodnost
    Žiga Zwitter
  • Nekateri vidiki spreminjanja podnebja na Slovenskem v instrumentalnem obdobju
    Darko Ogrin
  • Precepi podnebnih sprememb
    Marko Polič
  • Zaznavanje in odzivanje prebivalcev Slovenije na spremembe v okolju
    Barbara Lampič, Marko Krevs
  • Podnebne spremembe in kmetijstvo – negotovost slovenskega kmeta, odzivanje in iskanje rešitev
    Barbara Lampič, Sara Mikolič
  • Summary


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March 29, 2024


Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

Lampič, B., & Ogrin, D. (Eds.). (2024). People and Environmental Change Over Time: Vol. GeograFF 21. University of Ljubljana Press.