Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z angleščino


Simon Zupan
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Melita Koletnik
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


The chapter examines Slovene-English and English-Slovene translation of liter­ary works from the mid-19th century to the present day, based on the data in the Mutual Bibliographic and Cataloguing Database of Slovenian Libraries (COBIB). It presents the main quantitative and qualitative characteristics of translation in the above-mentioned language pair, especially its volume, dynamics, authors and trans­lators who have influenced it the most, and it also presents translation studies articles on English-Slovene translations.

An analysis of translations included in COBIB has shown that the trends in the translation of literature in both directions are similar. Until the end of the Second World War, there were relatively few literary translations into Slovene and especially into English, but in the following decades the number of translations began to increase, especially in the period after Slovene independence. It is noticeable that the share of genre literature in Slovene translation has increased significantly since 1991, while the share of more challenging literary genres in English translation has remained rela­tively high, also thanks to support mechanisms and programme support for literary translation into foreign languages. In parallel with the increased production of trans­lations, the number of translation studies on English-Slovene literary translation has also increased significantly over the last three decades.



June 14, 2024



How to Cite

Zupan, S., & Koletnik, M. (2024). Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z angleščino. In Zgodovina slovenskega literarnega prevoda II: slovenska literatura v dialogu s tujino (pp. 615-629). University of Ljubljana Press.