Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z bolgarščino


Namita Subiotto
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Biserka Bobnar


The chapter introduces an outline of Bulgarian-Slovene literary and cultural contacts from the second half of the 19th century to the present, followed by a history of transla­tion flows. The first translations of Bulgarian literature into Slovene and vice versa were published in literary magazines at the turn of the 20th century. By 1945, more than 10 book-length translations of Bulgarian prose works had been published in Slovene, and Slovene literature was presented in Bulgarian in magazines and anthologies during this period. In the period from 1949 to 1989, despite the rigid political relations between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, some key Bulgarian works of fiction were trans­lated into Slovene, and Bulgarian book translations of some Slovene classics, especially fiction, were also published. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a new dynamic of mutual translation was established, but it was only after 2000 that book translations appeared. The data from COBISS and the survey articles with bibliographies of translated works show a balanced mutual translation of Bulgarian and Slovene literature. The major­ity of Slovene translations of Bulgarian literature were published in the 20th century, while the majority of Bulgarian translations of Slovene literature were published after 2000. The proportion of translations of important works is also shown, highlighting contemporary authors who appear in translation with at least two standalone books. The most important translators are introduced, and finally some translation studies are mentioned, which consist mainly of comprehensive overviews of published works set in a cultural-historical context, with little analysis of the translations.



June 14, 2024



How to Cite

Subiotto, N., & Bobnar, B. (2024). Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z bolgarščino. In Zgodovina slovenskega literarnega prevoda II: slovenska literatura v dialogu s tujino (pp. 645-656). University of Ljubljana Press.