Literarnoprevodne izmenjave s francoščino


Nike K. Pokorn
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


The chapter outlines the literary translation exchanges between the French and Slovene cultures. First, on the basis of data obtained from the most comprehensive Slovene bibliographical collection and the shared catalogue of Slovene libraries, COBISS, the dynamics of translation of French literary works into Slovene are described in different historical periods: in the 17th and 18th centuries, in the 19th century, in the period from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of the First World War, in the interwar period, in socialist times (between 1946 and 1952; 1953 and 1971 and between 1972 and 1991), and in the post-socialist period until 2021. The history of literary translation from Slovene into French is outlined. Second, the historical overview is followed by a brief presentation of the profiles of the most prominent translators of French literature into Slovene and those of Slovene litera­ture into French. Third, the chapter is concluded with a short overview of translato­rial research focused on Slovene-French literary translation. Although translations of French literature into Slovene have never been among the most numerous if compared to the exchanges with other literatures throughout Slovene history, an overview of the translation flows between these two languages shows that this exchange was among the most influential ones, in particular because of the centrality of French literature in the West.



June 14, 2024



How to Cite

Literarnoprevodne izmenjave s francoščino. (2024). In Zgodovina slovenskega literarnega prevoda II: slovenska literatura v dialogu s tujino (pp. 669-691). University of Ljubljana Press.