Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z italijanščino


Tamara Mikolič Južnič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia


Italian-Slovene contact began in the 16th century, and has continued with varying intensity since. Due to the great cultural capital of Italian literature and the periph­eral position of the Slovene language in the world of translation, the asymmetry of the translation flows favours Italian authors: translations from Italian to Slovene are around three times more than vice versa. After a brief introduction, the chapter presents the history of the translation flows between the two literatures, based on the existing bibliographies and data collected from the COBISS online bibliographic system. In terms of Italian-to-Slovene translation, in the 19th century interest shifted from the initial religious texts to theatrical works, including a number of librettos. Prose and poetry started to be published more frequently only after the Second World War, with prose becoming the most translated genre in recent times. A tendency can be observed to translate classic authors and, most recently, commercially successful authors as well. Translation from Slovene to Italian starts towards the end of the 19th century and displays different dynamics among the observed genres: prose translation is dominant throughout this time, although poetry selections are translated almost as often. The authors translated are the most prominent representatives of Slovene literature, as well as members of the Slovene minority in Italy. As with the translation activity itself, the reception studies and translation studies research into Italian-Slovene translations has been rather abundant, and covers a range of different topics.



June 14, 2024



How to Cite

Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z italijanščino. (2024). In Zgodovina slovenskega literarnega prevoda II: slovenska literatura v dialogu s tujino (pp. 731-751). University of Ljubljana Press.