Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z japonščino


Iztok Ilc


In this article, key data on the translation of Japanese literature into Slovene from the beginning of the 20th century to 2022 are compiled. Previous research on the trans­lation of Japanese literature into Slovene after the Second World War by Iztok Ilc, and by Lija Gantar, who also included the earlier decades, is summarised. The corpus of translated Japanese fiction is divided into indirect and direct translations, different genres (poetry, prose, drama, essays) are discussed, and the main translators are listed. In the case of indirect translation, the most commonly used intermediary languages are mentioned, followed by the discussion of the problem of relying on a selection of authors and works, as shaped in particular by the American corpus of Japanese liter­ature. The development and the advantages of direct translation are outlined, and the importance of the establishment of chairs for East Asian languages at the Univer­sity of Ljubljana is highlighted in this proces. It is noted in the article that the range of indirect translators is much more diverse than that of direct translators, where the continuous work of some translators is evident. Finally, the article concluded by briefly touching upon the importance of translation for Japanese culture in the late 19th century.



June 14, 2024



How to Cite

Ilc, I. (2024). Literarnoprevodne izmenjave z japonščino. In Zgodovina slovenskega literarnega prevoda II: slovenska literatura v dialogu s tujino (pp. 753-762). University of Ljubljana Press.