Strumenti linguistici per lo sloveno in Italia: l’assistente linguistico Loris 1.1 / Language Tools for Slovene in Italy: The LORIS 1.1 Language Assistant


Damjan Popič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Slovene Research Institute (SLORI), Trieste, Italy
David Bordon
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Slovene Research Institute (SLORI), Trieste, Italy
Jasmin Franza
Slovene Research Institute (SLORI), Trieste, Italy
Luka Bezgovšek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, Slovenia; Slovene Research Institute (SLORI), Trieste, Italy


Il presente contributo prende in esame l’app Loris 1.1, una risorsa linguistica per lo sloveno in Italia concepita come piattaforma online per la revisione linguistica automatica di testi prodotti in sloveno. L’app si rivolge in prima istanza ai parlanti e alle parlanti di lingua slovena nell’area di contatto linguistico tra lo sloveno e l’italiano. Nata dalla collaborazione tra l’Istituto sloveno di ricerche (SLORI) e l’Ufficio centrale per la lingua slovena della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, si appoggia anche agli strumenti del Centro per le risorse e tecnologie linguistiche dell’Università di Lubiana (CJVT).

This chapter discusses the Loris 1.1 language tool for Slovene in Italy, designed as an online platform for automatic review of texts in Slovene. The tool is primarily intended for Slovene speakers in the area of linguistic contact between Slovene and Italian. It was created as a collaboration between the Slovene Research Institute (SLORI) and the Central Office for the Slovene Language of the Autonomous Province of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and it is based on the tools of the Center for Language Technologies of the University of Ljubljana (CJVT).





December 3, 2024

How to Cite

Popič, D., Bordon, D., Franza, J., & Bezgovšek, L. (2024). Strumenti linguistici per lo sloveno in Italia: l’assistente linguistico Loris 1.1 / Language Tools for Slovene in Italy: The LORIS 1.1 Language Assistant. In M. Grgič (Ed.), Slovenščina v Italiji (pp. 167-194). University of Ljubljana Press.