Prevzemanje iz slovanskih jezikov na primeru beloruščine, ruščine in ukrajinščine


Domen Krvina
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Ljubljana; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
Mladen Uhlik
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia; Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Ljubljana


This article presents the problem of adopting East Slavic place names and personal names into Slovenian. Because these languages are written in Cyrillic, the difference between transliteration and adoption is presented. The relationship between letters and phonemes is discussed, the adoption of softening of consonants, akanje and jakanje, the special development of e and i in closed syllables in Ukrainian, and, at the level of morphology, the issue of some endings and plurale tantum nouns. It is observed that in the 2001 Slovenian normative guide (SP 2001), Belarusian and Ukrainian are afforded relatively little attention in comparison to Russian. In particular, more recent material in the Trendi corpus indicates that in many instances it seems reasonable to recognize doublets, which will constitute an important task for the forthcoming revised guide (Pravopis 8.0 or ePravopis). The discussion addresses both comparative Slavic and Slovenian studies (orthography).





November 19, 2024




How to Cite

Krvina, D., & Uhlik, M. (2024). Prevzemanje iz slovanskih jezikov na primeru beloruščine, ruščine in ukrajinščine. In S. Štumberger (Ed.), Language Rules and Norms: Vol. Obdobja 43 (pp. 181-189). University of Ljubljana Press.